Friday, October 8, 2010

Sunset Nursery: Take My Money, Please!

In the past month, I've become completely obsessed with cacti and succulents.  The tiny balcony attached to my apartment is filled to capacity with varieties of aeoniums, agaves, euphorbias, kalanchoes, and tons of other plants whose names I can’t remember right now.  I even started moving specimens to my parents’ house to make space for new ones. 

Since my cactus-hoarding days began, I've been to no less than 10 nurseries in the greater Los Angeles area.  Armstrong is super cute but pricey, and Home Depot has a surprising variety of plants at low prices (I found a dragon fruit tree once!).  The California Cactus Center has an amazing variety of succulents and cacti, but can also be quite expensive. Out of all the places I've visited, Sunset Boulevard Nursery in East Hollywood has the best selection of cacti and succulents at the most reasonable cost.

Located on the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Fountain Avenue behind the abandoned Circuit City, this nursery is a gem.  Cacti that I've seen go for $50 and upwards are happily priced at a mere $25. The plants are in great shape, and you can usually find ones with adorable baby offshoots.  For the amateur, budget-conscious gardener, Sunset Nursery is the way to go!

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